Conference themes


  • Biochar

  • Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

  • Coastal ecosystems (blue carbon)

  • Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) 

  • Enhanced Weathering

  • Forestry

  • Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement 

  • Ocean fertilisation

  • Peatland and wetland restoration

  • Soil carbon sequestration


  • Developments in understanding the fundamental processes of physics, chemistry and biology underpinning negative emissions processes.

  • Analysis of emerging and potential policies to incentivise or regulate negative emissions, and of the economic costs and benefits of such interventions. The focus can be at international or national levels, or can be at sub-national scales for cases of particular wider relevance.

  • Considerations of the ethics of negative emissions, including who may claim them and how much, the distribution of wider benefits and costs for communities and regions, and the procedures involved in making these choices. Understanding of the perceptions that publics, either in general or of relevance in specific contexts, have regarding negative emissions methods and their use.

  • Techniques and protocols for robust and transparent monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of negative emissions. The focus can be on project-level MRV, or at the level of national or organisation-level inventories.

  • Assessment of the performance of negative emissions across the lifecycle and supply chains of technologies and projects. Insights into the interaction of negative emissions with energy, industrial and land systems, particularly within holistic climate change mitigation pathways, through integrated assessment modelling or other analytical techniques.

  • Understanding the climate system effects of negative emissions, the climate implications of impermanent removals, the (ir)reversibility of climate changes and implications for near-term decision-making.

  • Removal of non-CO2 greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, is in scope.